
Structure of an abstract:
Word Count: 250 words

Original articles, research articles, diagnostic and analytical accuracy research and Audit, innovation.
A structured abstract shall consist of following headings:

Present a background for the study. State the purpose or objective of the study. Explain the hypothesis and the requirement of the research. The primary and secondary objective of the study should be clearly stated. This is at times called the primary and secondary outcome.

Methods section may include, as appropriate:
Subjects (samples) and methods, Patients and methods, Materials and methods
Components of the methodology which need to be mentioned as applicable are:
Study design, Study setting, Study duration, Sampling method &Sample size, Follow-up period, Inclusion and exclusion criteria, Identification of the methods and apparatus and manufacturer's details.

The results should include the salient findings without analysis and statistical methods be described in a simple manner to enable the audience/reader to judge the correctness of the analysis and results. References may be included where appropriate.

Conclusion should be a brief summary of the study. A new hypothesis may be included if determined by the research.

Conflict of Interest:
Any conflict of interest should be declared, which may include grants or honorarium, credits and promotions, memberships or any personal or professional relationships which may appear to influence the manuscript. If there are no conflict of interests, speaker should still include this heading and write “none to declare.”

Ethical approval and Funding disclosure:
For ethical approval, please mention Institutional review board name and number, if available. All sources of grant/fund received should be disclosed.
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Received        Not Received or N/A

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IRB Number

Received        None

Name of Funding Agency

Red Cell Disorders
Platelet and Coagulation Disorders
Challenges in Transfusion Medicine
Acute Leukaemia and Myeloproliferative Disorders
Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
Lymphoproliferative and Plasma Cell Dyscrasia
Bone Marrow Transplant